Tuesday, December 11, 2012

December Schedule/Subs Update

I'm teaching 6 more public classes this week.  The last for me in 2012!  Hope to see many of you.  Big thanks to my lovely friends stepping in over the holidays for me while I'm away.  I'll post again at the start of January, as I'll be subbing a lot post-holidays in return.

Wednesday, 12/12: My usual 6-7:15pm vinyasa, but this is a special donation class to support CARE initiative and the hard work that the KYS owners provide for animals every day.  I'm donating what I make for the night to their cause.  Plus it'll be the new moon!
(*If you can't make it to my class, the 7:30pm class directly following, taught by Larisa Forman, will be donated as well.)  Cheers to teamwork, giving back, animal causes, fun! 

Friday, 12/14:  I am subbing for Larisa 10:30am and 12:00pm at KYS.  Maybe I'll see some of my old morning friends?

Sunday, 12/16: Teaching my usual 10:15 hatha and 11:45 vinyasa at KYS.  My last 2 classes of this year!

Then I'm away and the subs are:
Wednesday, 12/19An Li Liu teaches the 6:00 vinyasa
Sunday, 12/23An Li teaches the 10:15 hatha, Mickey Barr teaches 11:45 vinyasa
Wednesday, 12/26Mickey teaches the 6:00 vinyasa
Sunday, 12/30Sarah Baumert teaches 10:15 hatha, Mickey teaches 11:45 vinyasa
Wednesday, 1/2Bethania Bacigalupe teaches 6:00 vinyasa

Bow Street Yoga-Union Sq.
Only 1 more Thursday night Beginner's Vinyasa class with me before Angela Harrity returns from maternity leave.  
12/13-- 7:30-8:45pm  -I've been loving this class, so hope to see some of you for my last one of the year.  
*** Good news is that it looks like I'll be starting up a Tuesday morning 9:30am vinyasa class at BSY as of Jan. 8, 2013!  Check the BSY website at start of new year.  :)

Finally, mark your calendar for my First Workshop in 2013:
Body/Soul Recharge for the Winter Season
Saturday, Jan. 12th from 2-4pm at KYS-Harvard
A balanced hatha yoga practice focused on restoring the immune system, with discussion 
*A few weeks into the true winter season, we will find stability with intentions on transforming ourselves to a healthier body and mindset.  Join me post-holidays to rev-up your system and get grounded in body & spirit for the new year!  We will move steady & strong from rooted feet up into our core in hopes to release any stagnant energy from our tension spots in the hips, neck, shoulders.  Plus, focus on how to breathe and move with awareness to release stress and strengthen our immunity.  
After 90 minutes of asana and relaxation, we will gather to discuss techniques to stay healthy and strong in a season where germs and flus are easily caught and passed among one another.  Discussion may touch on nutrition, herbs & teas, meditation, and the yoga practice we just completed.  

--I have some pre/post natal workshop ideas for the new year.  Plus more body/soul recharge for each season change and other women's workshops.  Let me know if there are other workshop topics or portions of the practice you'd love for me to offer, and I will do my best!  

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